Services & Cost


Service : What you will get as a subscriber :

1) A once a month newsletter called the AWavers Rap which will be discussed at the first webinar each month and covers :

  • Brief market overview
  • Charts of major indices with the relative analysis
  • Selected shares analysis with interpretation
  • a Watchlist of shares selected via a comprehensive scanning system
  • A Strong / Weak sector listing

2) I scan my Market Master Software program, select shares to analyse, and post onto the website :

  • a chart of the share
  • my analysis of the share
  • my interpretation
  • a stop loss strategy

3) The idea of this analysis is to encourage / assist users of Prime Charts Software (Market Master) or any other Technical Analysis package to do your own analysis, and widen your choices of shares in which to invest, as I shall only cover a selected share from the results in my scan list.

  • these are shares in which the investor group have shown an interest or shares I have chosen in my research and / or daily scans
  • they may be ready to trade immediately or at some future date

4) The second webinar will be a more informal interactive meeting and various charts analysed and discussed.


R  150 pm

> 1 Newsletter per month

> 2 Webinars per month